Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Up In The Air

“Now this is going to be a little difficult, so stay with me,” George Clooney tells the audience as the teaser trailer for “Up In The Air” begins. Not many trailers have enough stones to warn you what is about to happen will make you think, especially in today’s society where quick cuts filled with overly dramatic music is the norm. However, this being a teaser trailer, the plot will not be revealed nor will anything spoiler-iffic be said.

While Clooney narrates with what seems to be a motivational speaker-like speech, we are shown quick clips of filler footage, such as a view from an airplane window, a look at marble floor decorated with gold painted sea objects, and an aerial view of a city at night. Interspersed throughout are shots of Clooney checking in at an airport, casually drinking, and working out, all while looking devilishly handsome.

Clooney is instructing the audience to think of a backpack and pack it with things in our lives that we care about. He starts off little and gradually moves onto bigger things, such as your house or your car. Now he instructs you to start to fill the backpack with people. Right after this last phrase, we are shown the members of the cast. With every type of person he names, a cast member is shown, giving us what we believe to be their role in the film.

“Feel the weight of that bag. Make no mistake; your relationships are the heaviest components in your life.” Smatterings of quick clips from the film are shown as Clooney continues to narrate about what it is like living out of a bag and how it strains a relationship (or at least that is what I am getting). He then concludes that some can deal with it, and those are the people in the audience listening to him. The title pops up followed by a clever release date that says “Arriving Soon.”

4.2 Devilishly Handsome Clooneys out of 5

Fun Fact: They did not apply any make up to George Clooney throughout filming, what you see in the movie is what he looks like in real life.

-David Justice

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