Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hollywood has given a classic remake of a classic trailer from the 1980's film Fame. Just looking at the movie poster you know this trailer is going to bring that "I'm not here to make friends" cutthroat road to success mentality that shows like the Apprentice and Flavor of
Love have spoon fed us. "Sorry I couldn't hear you, I was bathing in this ray light in the most intense way possible"

We open up with flashes of several different auditions with the voice over of a man telling them that he's seen thousands of auditions and he wants to know what makes them special. Then to cut the tension were flashed a comedic stereotype, but enjoy it because this is the only break you'll get from the most intense school ever conceived by humans.

We see the phrase " In New York City there is a school where any dream is possible" split up between what is the rough equivalent of a sports movie montage, but this one is with the performing arts school that only the gods may attend. Then comes my favorite part of the whole trailer, this guy...

"My name is Frasier and I'll be teaching you how to be sassy."

He is the Shepard of the muses that will one day make art so beautiful that Hades will cry even in the depths of his lonely hollow. The flashes of training continue with someone talking about how square her parents are with their cellos, the least trendy of all instruments.

This is the part where the Fame trailer crosses temporal existences with the Moulin Rouge trailer and we are all just generally confused and contemplative about what exactly space time is.
After that sidetracking we are introduced to what will more than likely be the most insecure character in this school of artistic prodigies. " I was the best singer at my old school" she mopes. Well madame this is the New York school of you ain't nothing but an ant , so get ready to go through an emotional journey in which you grow more confident in yourself and your abilities. Geez.


Now we meet the most confident girl in the school. One character says "She thinks she can part oceans and level cities with her dancing" (or something like that). She is already intimidating the audience with her furious dance moves.

There is a droll in the trailer where we meet the no one believes in me character and his romantic interest.

Then we see the graduation ceremony of this school. This graduation is somewhat similar to what Zeus does when he opens the front gate of Mount Olympus and fires lightning bolts down upon the mortals that seek his judgment.

Finally it is the apex of the trailer where we are barraged by words that could only describe a coming of age story that will inspire us to be better than what we are, and on that note the trailer is over and so is this review.

4 intense dance montages out of 5.

Micah Russell

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